February 18, 2023 6:48 am

Michelle Adam


The age-old question of whether strength training can help you lose fat has been debated for years. Some people swear by it, while others say it’s a waste of time. So, what’s the truth? Can strength training really help you lose fat?

The answer is yes! Strength training is an excellent way to lose fat. In fact, it’s one of the most effective methods of fat loss available.

There are many benefits to strength training, but how does it help with fat loss specifically? Let’s take a look.

The Benefits of Strength Training

There are many benefits to strength training, but when it comes to fat loss, there are three main ways in which it can help. First, strength training helps to build lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Second, strength training helps to increase your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is, and the more calories you burn throughout the day. Third, strength training helps to burn more calories during the actual workout. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that participants who lifted weights burned more calories during their workout than those who didn’t lift weights.

So, as you can see, strength training can be a great asset to your fat loss plan. It not only helps you burn more calories, but it also helps to build lean muscle mass and increase your metabolism.

How Strength Training Helps with Fat Loss

When it comes to fat loss, most people think that cardio is the way to go. However, strength training can actually be a very effective tool for losing fat. Here’s how:

1. Strength training helps build muscle.

Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, meaning that it burns more calories even at rest. So, by building muscle through strength training, you’ll be able to increase your metabolism and burn more fat.

2. Strength training helps you burn more calories during and after your workout.

A strength-training session not only burns calories during the actual workout, but also increases your metabolism for several hours afterwards. This means that you’ll continue to burn more calories even after you’ve left the gym.

3. Strength training can help reduce your body fat percentage.

While cardio can help you lose weight (by burning calories), strength training can help you lose fat and change your body composition. This is because muscle takes up less space than fat, so even if you don’t lose weight, you may still see a reduction in your body fat percentage.

4. Strength training can help improve your insulin sensitivity.

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When insulin sensitivity is impaired, this can lead to increased fat storage and weight gain. However, strength training has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent weight gain and promote fat loss.

The Different Types of Strength Training

There are many different types of strength training, but they all have one goal in common: to make your muscles stronger. The different types of strength training include:

1. Resistance Training: This type of strength training uses resistance to build muscle. The resistance can come from weights, bands, or your own body weight.

2. Powerlifting: This type of strength training focuses on lifting heavy weights for a low number of repetitions.

3. Olympic Lifting: This type of strength training focuses on explosive movements to help you lift heavier weights.

4. Bodybuilding: This type of strength training focuses on building muscle size and definition.

5. Functional Training: This type of strength training uses exercises that mimic everyday movements to help improve your overall function and performance.

The Best Strength Training exercises for Fat Loss

There are a number of different strength training exercises that can help you lose fat. However, some exercises are better than others when it comes to burning fat.

One of the best strength training exercises for fat loss is the squat. Squats are a great exercise for burning fat because they work multiple muscles at once. They also help to increase your heart rate, which helps to burn more calories.

Another great exercise for burning fat is the lunge. Lunges are similar to squats in that they work multiple muscles at once and help to increase your heart rate. However, lunges also target your glutes and hamstrings, which helps to tone these areas of your body.

Finally, another great exercise for burning fat is the push-up. Push-ups are a great total body exercise that works your chest, shoulders, arms, and core muscles. They also help to increase your heart rate, which helps to burn more calories.

How to Incorporate Strength Training into Your Fat Loss Plan

There are a few different ways that you can incorporate strength training into your fat loss plan. The first way is to simply add some strength-training exercises to your existing workout routine. If you’re already doing cardio and other forms of exercise, adding in some strength-training will help you burn even more calories and lose fat more quickly.

Another way to use strength training for fat loss is to replace one or two of your cardio workouts each week with a strength-training session. This will help you maintain your cardiovascular fitness while also getting in some quality strength-training that will help you lose fat.

Finally, you can also use strength training as a way to boost your metabolism and burn more calories all day long. By building more muscle, you’ll be able to burn more calories even when you’re not working out. This can help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

So, there are a few different ways that you can incorporate strength training into your fat loss plan. Choose the method that works best for you and your goals, and then get started today!


When it comes to losing fat, incorporating strength training into your plan is a great way to help. Strength training not only helps build muscle, but can also help burn more calories and promote fat loss. There are different types of strength training, so be sure to find the exercises that work best for you and your goals. With a little hard work and dedication, you can reach your fat loss goals in no time!

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